"DESCRIPTION 1"="When connecting to a site, every Browser send a so called "User Agent" string which helps the websites to distinguish the different browser types and (for example) load a optiomized page for that browser."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="On the other hand, this can also be a problem if a site simply blocks any user that is using Internet Explorer."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Because of this, you can enter any "User Agent" string you wish to have, visit the website in question and later restore the original string again. You can also add your own custom variables at the end of the string (before the closing bracket), separating them from the existing variables using a semi-colon. For example a Windows 98 user with IE6 could try "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Win32; I love X-Setup!)""
"DESCRIPTION 4"="To restore the original setting, simply clear the field."
"DESCRIPTION 5"="NOTE: The "User Agent" string should be no longer than 200 characters, and you will need to log off before the changes will take effect."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="Thanks to hydreux@yahoo.com for this tweak!"
Call MsgError("Unable to restore the original value - it was not found in the registry! Please use Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Internet Explorer -> Repair Installation option")
Call RegWriteValue(sV1,sBak,1)
Call RegDeleteValue(sV1bak)
Call ReadSetting
end if
'apply new one
'do we already have an backup? if so, do NOT save the new value